Starlight lyric video

Worth the effort

This is one of a few lyric videos I created but is the only one I published. This video is basically what the title says, it is a lyric video for the acoustic version of the song called “Starlight” from Starset. I made this using Hitfilm Express and had a fun time learning video editing. It helped sparked another passion in me for creative thinking and adaptability. It was my first time using Hitfilm Express and I didn’t have the best of PC hardware for things to process smoothly, in fact, it took quite a while to get things up and running, but the fact I had so much fun and developing a new interest was so exciting for me that even that it took a while to process everything, I perservered until I finished.

Creating a lyric video in HitFilm Express taught me how to sync lyrics with music, use visual effects, and bring creativity to text animations. I learned the importance of timing, pacing, and attention to detail, all of which impact the video’s overall impact. This experience emphasized the value of patience and persistence in mastering new software for visually captivating storytelling.

Here’s the link to the lyric video: “Starlight” by Starset